Unlocking Healthcare Professional Insights with Adobe Customer Journey Analytics

The Client

A healthcare marketplace that providers a one-stop prescribing assistant for healthcare professionals to research and match pharmaceutical products to their patients based on needs while providing a centralized source for research, education, and sample fulfillment.

The Challenge

Understanding HCP customer behavour and conversions was a challenge given how GA4 handles certain identifiers. Adobe CJA was an opportunity for this client to bridge web, CRM, and internal data sources to explore audience insights and to demonstrate to suppliers the conversion contribution its service was providing to their brands.


2 Weeks

Time to Initial Proof-of-Concept


Capture of High-Value Actions


Increased Visibility to HCP Engagement

In less than 2 weeks*, Adobe Customer Journey Analytics was activated with customer dashboards providing insight into cross-channel interaction and conversion contribution events for HCP identities. (Note: RT-CDP was implemented prior to activating CJA).

The Solution

Adobe’s Customer Journey analytics was activated to explore HCP engagement by stitching together web event activity and HCP profile data sets with additional engagement channel sources layered in over time. This enabled deeper insights into HCP behavior and conversion contribution events correlated to HCP identity audiences, enabling additionl audience building back into RT-CDP.

Dashboards were created for stakeholders and suppliers that were able to report conversion contribution activities within brand targeted HCP cohorts that were not possible using Google Analytics alone. The ability to stitch together event and profile data unlocked a tremendous amount of valuable insights that were not available prior to CJA.

Technologies & Platforms:

Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition (B2B RT-CDP), Adobe Customer Journey Analytics, Adobe Experience Platform, Google Analytics 4, Azure Cloud Storage, Hubspot, Adobe Launch, Adobe WebSDK.

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